Lucky Times | Krushna Chandra Mishra - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Lucky Times | Krushna Chandra Mishra

When nothing is understood
And people’s ways hold out great warnings
Rule of law as rule and law only reigns
When people find out how some of these were made
To perpetually suppress them into silence and vivid action
When they are sure that people who need think of them
Instead of doing things for their health and hearth
Do things that only prove that people can’t see
People can’t say and people can’t hear
As under hand and seal for terms
Into undoable centuries of pledge
They have for reason in mad euphoria
Committed themselves to embrace the path
Of the Rule Book where the only rule is
The rulers’ wishes clothed in promises
For unborn centuries of rosy hue and gold
Only an unborn eternity dons and knows
As deeds done in ways set best only to undo
Every hope that comes ever in mighty shapes
Making life a thing of dream looking not impossible
To be achieved to wipe a tear from every eye importing
Happiness in small and great doses till those who suffer
In some very confirmed sunny times fondly find or feel
They are not hounded and wounded and ever more in fear
To be hurt and to hide lest people should expose them
In their safety exercises in one clear concealed choice
To find when times turn ripe if they are different and able
As knowing, seeing and thinking gods and can with care
Shape with conviction and credible proof structures of support
That tell people their destinies are made of stuff that knows to last
And when necessary blast from within to offer a safety net to all
The forgotten, neglected and lost for long futures that when
Combined should make eternity of happy living a robust reality.

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