When all are worried about an end
they say they’ve heard sure to come
stilling every action and move in a vibrant spirited world
that we know for eternities renewing with new hopes
nowhere a voice shall exclaim a note of jubilant pride
since the throes of being incessantly throttled
then shall have come to an end of a bitter and violent kind
known in all ignorant adamancy perhaps to monsters
powered by simple cheated populations including fanatics
of an elite intelligentsia used often as a horror-spinning mad militia
of crooked and mindless autocrats befooling simple people
whose dreams of happy homes and safe times get
ever ruthlessly bombarded to what end nobody has
a clue to read or predict or correct since holocausts
of fraudsters wreaking havoc everywhere are to wipe
out man the only sentient creature treading the surface of
this majestic earth with a possible power to resist and force
a redirection to ways wily and haughty megalomaniacs embark on
ever ignorant of the massacring intensities of their schizophrenic
inconsistencies of impoverishing policies and doom-downloading