Ignored Identities | Krushna Chandra Mishra - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Ignored Identities | Krushna Chandra Mishra

Ignored in ways conceived by crooks only
these mighty masters building others’ fortunes
have never tried to stop and ask
if their own destinies could in definite ways
be given certain shape and design
through their own passionate and dedicated involvement
as marked in their generous contributions
in all these magnificent instances in raising
which they have never got time to bother
if with their own co-operative labour
capital could be commanded to create for them
the kind of destiny they themselves would desire
and that bit of ignorance to mind
their own security in times when youth
and energy vanish and for hard times and rough weather
nothing is left for their creative hard years
of labouring youth and friends by then should be long lost
all falling casualty to same circumstances
of betrayal by those whose prestige, property,
power, position and pride are all but their zealous creations
the shine and glory of which keeps them away
at a distance they are now unable even to measure
with their weakened eyes and powerless knees and elbows
once upon a time which used to be the sure sources
of their strength and the cause for others
to flatter them for their own uses in selfish ways.

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