The Evil-Witted | Krushna Chandra Mishra - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

The Evil-Witted | Krushna Chandra Mishra

This harmony and unity
In this co-existence in peace
Is what leaves you troubled
And to end this calm and joy
In dubious devilish ways
You want to divide us all
Into armies to fight your battles
With our heads and our blood
In ignorance into which to wit
You have pushed us for ages
Knowing the colour you desire
For power dons and changes
Only one colour is capable of taking
All in its sweep and shade and
The poor and dull and fighting fools
That you are sure shall never
Gain the good fortune to read in the
Schools you have built for us with dreams
Of gold that we are taught to hold making
Our future all gold and shining
As the dead metal in a dreaded way does.

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