Memoirs of a Sunny Day | Chris Byrne - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Memoirs of a Sunny Day | Chris Byrne

I went out for a stroll one sunny afternoon and
I happened to hear a sound. As my mind wondered
What it could be, I came across a little pub
As narrow as a crowded street with people shuffling
Here and there while having a pint or three.
The barman shouted, what will it be,
I noticed a friendly smile in his eyes, as if I hadn’t seen him in years, as I stood enjoying a beer with my lady by my side.
As the music rang out, that little narrow pub became a big wide world where everyone wanted to be, full of people all trying to get a pint and see some smiling eyes.
As the singer sang with all his might, the requests came in as fast as the pints where pulled; with a failing voice he persevered and kept us entertained, singing songs we knew. As the night wore out it came to the last song; as it was sung, the little crowded narrow pub slowly became quiet as people loudly shuffled out the door shaking hands, saying, you’re a great singer, and, thanks for those smiling eyes, which had become tired eyes. We’ll see ya next week, as they ramble down the road ever thankful for a night they’ll never forget until the next.

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